Copy pasting quicksort

- 2 mins read

I googled hoare partition quicksort javascript and tested the implementation of the top three results. To validate correctness, I used LeetCode’s Sorting test suite.

Quicksort Google

In defense of the authors

I purposely ignored any context the authors might have disclosed in their text. The idea was to get the code to run as quickly as possible with the least amount of modifications. I was trying to mimic a copy-paste frenzied developer who had exhausted their patience and whose tunnel vision had limited their typing to Command-C/Command-V. Will this Google binge pay off?


The first implementation was the most successful. It failed for arrays with one element, but passed all other tests. I was able to take care of that edge case by adding a simple conditional.

The second implementation needed more work. I like that it followed the pseudocode in the quicksort Wikipedia article. However, it could not sort inputs with duplicates.

The last implementation had a bug that took me an hour to figure out. Without knowing the details of the algorithm, you can still appreciate this lesson:

function partitionHoare(array, left, right) {
	var pivot = Math.floor((left + right) / 2);

	while (left <= right) {
		while (array[left] < arr[pivot]) {
		while (array[right] > arr[pivot]) {

		if (left <= right) {
			swap(array, left, right);
	return left;

Notice that pivot is an index. The loop is mutating array by swapping elements. Therefore, array[pivot] can potentially take on different values between iterations. That’s exactly what happens with this input array: [-1,2,-8,-10].

Here’s a fix:

function partitionHoare(array, left, right) {
	var pivot = array[Math.floor((left + right) / 2)];

	while (left <= right) {
		while (array[left] < pivot) {
		while (array[right] > pivot) {

		if (left <= right) {
			swap(array, left, right);
	return left;

In this case, pivot is an element not an index. The expression on line 2 is evaluated before the loop so any changes to array will not affect pivot.