New-ish Blog

- 2 mins read

Series: Coming back online

In the last two years, I’ve stopped programming in my free time. I was burnt out from four years of night classes and a full-time software engineering job. But my inspiration came back! It felt like it came out of nowhere, but it wasn’t random. I’ve taken good care of myself and have enough balance in my personal life to start a new project. I began researching DNS, networks, etc and here we are.

My first instinct was to delete all my old posts. Some of them are OK, but I thought I could do better. That defeats the purpose of a blog. I have to normalize writing and publishing even if it can me improved. They’re still up, and I hope it inspires me to upload new content, so they can be buried in the queue.

Why networking?

  1. I’m tired of programming being a dichotomy of frontend or backend development. I want to explore new domains that are not web development.
  2. It’s a good way to get more comfortable with Linux and cloud service providers. I’ve dabbled in both but still have plenty to learn.
  3. It just stood out to me, and I enjoy it which is arguably the most important point.


Here’s what I’m hoping to work on:

  • Get the blog running again
    • Switched from Jekyll to Hugo. IMO Hugo is simpler, and I found a nice theme.
    • Get it deployed using Github Pages
    • Write a new post
  • Host the blog on AWS
    • Good opportunity to play around with VPCs, EC2s, etc…
  • Host on bare metal from my closet
    • I know this is irrational and probably a bad idea, but I really want to do it. There’s something about owning the process from end to end that is very satisfying. I’m not sure if it’s feasible, but I’m looking forward to giving it a try.